Visual novel reader still showing japanese text
Visual novel reader still showing japanese text


Most Japanese native teachers don’t know how to teach Kanji because as far as they can remember they’ve been scribbling the bloody stuff since they were four and didn’t know any better in primary school.Ex: They teach phrases such as しなければならない as “must do,” when it literally means more like it “it must not become that…” Most teachers think that it is a good idea to teach Japanese to English students with an English style of thought.The only possible way to bypass this and convince a teacher you have talent is to have perfect pronunciation and a very favorable accent (from the start, or at least show it to them). This is a matter of human nature really, because they first meet you as someone incapable of speaking well, thus they form a subconscious image that you cannot speak their tongue. The teachers can never picture you speaking fluent Japanese unless you are a genius or a super student at a university. The teachers have low standards for their students.For the love of Japanese if your goal is to learn, go beyond that silly high school class. High school Japanese is an utter joke, and should not be taken serious.If you are driven and talented enough, JLPT1 is do-able in three years. Is it possible to reach a near fluent level (JLPT2) in three years? YES, you can even do it by yourself. In three years of college level Japanese you will only get as good as JLPT 3 level if you only focused on the classes, that is not even anywhere near even being near fluent.You are mixed in with people who don’t care, thus the class moves slow.The problem with public Japanese language education: The prize? A whole new language, culture, world, and most likely your hobby and interest made ten folds better imagine watching anime in its own native language, reading all you can without having to wait for translations. Set time aside every day, it’s time to be that A student you were always meant to be.

visual novel reader still showing japanese text

You need to learn to become your own teacher, and that so-called-teacher of yours needs to become recognized as a mere resource. There are great resources out there, and so many low quality teachers. The truth is, you are in charge of your learning, because it is your brain, not your teachers. One thing they care about is money, the next thing they would care about is that you can talk as good as a parrot so that Japanese people can say “Nihongo jouzu desu ne!” “Wow your Japanese is good!”- when really that is not the case… it is just simply that they are amazed you even speak a word. Well, whether or not you are currently taking Japanese language courses, or plan on taking them, the truth is, most Japanese teachers out there have a different agenda than your dream. It would be great if one day I could watch all that anime without subtitles, read Japanese and perhaps even speak it well.” So, you are sitting in Japanese class one day, and you think to yourself: “Wow this class is slow, everyone doesn’t seem to care… I wish I could learn something that I would actually find useful. If you enjoy hobbies which consist of the Japanese language in common use, such as anime or manga, you already have an advantage. You can learn Japanese on your own, you don’t need a teacher, you don’t need to take classes. How to read Visual Novels with much more ease using text extraction and dictionary programs that show word definitions with a simple click.Further tips on improving your Japanese fluency and refining your ability to process Japanese.An important tip to memorizing vocabulary.The general steps to learning Japanese and some resources to get you started.Introduction- You can learn Japanese by yourself! Why learning by yourself is faster.Though of course, either way, respect and love for this masterpiece. At least I definetly wouldn't mind even if you removed the lewd if not in favor of it. Though for now, just gonna cherish this game some more, maybe play it again from time to time until who knows when.Īgain, thank you and tbh, even without the lewd, I think this is just an amazing piece of work that can go long ways.

visual novel reader still showing japanese text

Looking forward to trying out your other and future works if I can if ever. This was such a lovely VN, albeit short gameplay wise, substance wise sudh as story amd characters, totally plenty if not overflowing. Thank you for this amazing wonderdul piece. With lewd, well, needless to say, really hot but at the same time pretty much precious and adorable still. Even putting the lewd asides, Vel and Neu are just so precious and adorable.

visual novel reader still showing japanese text

I totally adore Vel and Neu (?) (I also have a really bad memory, sorry). It was short, but satisfying, though I did still want more but honestly, as is, already plenty. Just finished playimg the game and loved it.

Visual novel reader still showing japanese text