- #Alloy photo dropbox plugin install
- #Alloy photo dropbox plugin update
- #Alloy photo dropbox plugin registration
- #Alloy photo dropbox plugin pro
- #Alloy photo dropbox plugin code
Export Dialog: implemented the ability to reload albums in a single folder. #Alloy photo dropbox plugin update
Completely redesigned the automatic update mechanism. Other stability fixes and improvements. Image Size Validation - fixed the "?:0: attempt to index a nil value" error when the rendition's size is out of acceptable range. Fixed the issue with uploading video files when the "Validate Image Size" option is turned on. Import Albums - fixed the issue with displaying the number of albums imported from the server. Fixed the "getSessionID - no session ID" error after using the "Reclaim Photos" feature. Metadata: The Photo URL link now forms correctly to take you to the photo preview page rather than containing folder. Publish Service: Dropbox metadata will be cleared when photos are removed from published collections. Improved validation of the root folder selection. AutoUpdate - fixed a bug preventing the installation of plugin updates in some cases. Export Dialog: fixed the issue with displaying thumbnails for nested folders. #Alloy photo dropbox plugin pro
Users with Dropbox Pro or Business accounts now can password-protect shared folders and control expiration of shared links. Fixed the error when attempting to delete an album. Publish Service: Fixed the "attempt to concatenate a nil value" error when creating a new folder at the very top level of the folder hierarchy. #Alloy photo dropbox plugin code
Fixed the "Unexpected Server problem http Error Code 400" when uploading files larger than 4 MB. Republishing of a previously published image no longer creates a second copy. "Manual" authorization method now works correctly. Export dialog: fixed issues with folder caching. Export Dialog: duplicate photos now handled correctly. Fixed "HTTP Error Code 400" error when filenames contain Unicode characters. Publish Service: Added the ability to convert folders to "Super Folders" for managing photos AND other folders inside a single Dropbox folder, which Lightroom doesn't support naturally. Publish service: fixed the "attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value)" error when trying to open the settings of a folder which was removed at Dropbox. Fixed the issue with creating folders at Dropbox's root folder. Fixed "HTTP Error 400" when users choose the "This folder" option (in the My Account section) but leave the path blank.
The default description of newly created publish services now populates correctly on the first save. Now the largest file you can upload is 2 GB. Added support for large files over 150 MB in size. Fixed the issue with having to re-authorize the plugin at Dropbox every time after restarting Lightroom. Fixed the issue with uploading XMP sidecars. Now the plugin correctly handles the situation when the user exceed the storage quota at Dropbox. Export Dialog: fixed the "attempt to index local 'fh' (a nil value)" error. Fixed the issue with creating folders that already exist on Dropbox. Publish Service: Reclaim Photos now runs correctly. Export Dialog: fixed the issue with creating new folders. macOS: The isntaller disk image is now properly signed and notarized for Catalina. Fixed the "Lightroom preferences file was not found" error in Lightroom 6 and 7. Thank you for your participation and support! Submit your feedback and suggest new features to And finally, don't forget to register your copy.
There are many ways you can support further development of this plug-in: Otherwise, the demo version is a full-featured product and has no other restrictions. You may use the unregistered (free) version at no charge for a limited time (10 days), after which you have to register the plugin in order to continue using it.
#Alloy photo dropbox plugin registration
9, 10, etc.), a new registration code needs to be purchased, unless your most recent purchase was made within a 3-month period before the release of the most recent Lightroom's major upgrade. When Lightroom is upgraded to a next major version (e.g.
#Alloy photo dropbox plugin install
The license allows you to install the plugin on two computers, for example a desktop and a laptop computer, owned and operated by a single user. This plug-in is released as Shareware (no source code provided). The plugin supports both Windows and OS X, and is compatible with the following versions of Lightroom:
Generate shared links for your albums without leaving Lightroom. Provides automatic pairing of online photos with photos in your catalog. Import existing folder structure from Dropbox into your Lightroom catalog. Supports Publish operations in Lightroom 3 and above. The Dropbox Plug-in allows you to export photos from Adobe Lightroom directly to your Dropbox account.